

  • Nacef, A., Kaci, A., Aklouf, Y., and Dutra, D. L. C., "Machine learning based fast self optimized and life cycle management network",

  • Computer Networks, Volume 209, 2022, 108895, ISSN 1389-1286, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2022.108895.

  • Xavier, T. C. S. , Delicato, F. C., Pires, P. F., Amorim, C. L., Li, W., and Zomaya, A.. 2022. Managing Heterogeneous and Time-Sensitive IoT Applications through Collaborative and Energy-Aware Resource Allocation. ACM Trans. Internet Things 3, 2, Article 10 (May 2022), 28 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3488248

  • Coutinho, M. A., Macedo, E. L. C., Moraes, L. F. M., Messner, V. C., Dutra, D. L. C., Amorim, C. L., Roncero, V. G., Alves, N., Maestrelli, M. C., Albuquerque, M. P., and Silva, S. L. P., "A New Interest-Based Protocol to Hide and Protect Servers in IP Networks," 2022 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 2022, pp. 329-334, DOI: 10.1109/ICOIN53446.2022.9687158.


  • Nacef, A., Bagaa, M., Aklouf, Y., Kaci, A., Dutra, D. L. C., and Ksentini, A., "Self-optimized network: When Machine Learning Meets Optimization," 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685681.

  • Addad, R. A., Dutra, D. L. C., Taleb, T., and Flinck, H., "Toward Using Reinforcement Learning for Trigger Selection in Network Slice Mobility," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 2241-2253, July 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2021.3078501.

  • Addad, R. A., Dutra, D. L. C., Taleb, T., and Flinck, H., "AI-Based Network-Aware Service Function Chain Migration in 5G and Beyond Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 472-484, March 2022, doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2021.3074618.


  • Xavier, T. C., Santos, I. L., Delicato, F. C., Pires, P. F., Alves, M. P., Calmon, T. S., Oliveira, A. C., Amorim, C. L.: "Collaborative resource allocation for Cloud of Things systems" in Journal of Network and Computer Applications, p. 102592, 2020. DOI:10.1016/j.jnca.2020.102592

  • Dos Santos, L. S., Nascimento, P. R., Bento, L. M., Machado, R. C., Amorim, C. L.: "Development of security mechanisms for a remote sensing system based on opportunistic and mesh networks" In 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT (pp. 418-422). June 3-5, 2020, IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/MetroInd4.0IoT48571.2020.9138241

  • Addad, R. A., Taleb, T., Flinck, H., Bagaa, M., Dutra, D. L. C.: "Network slice mobility in next generation mobile systems: Challenges and potential solutions". IEEE Network, 34(1), 84-93. DOI: 10.1109/MNET.2019.1800268

  • Addad, R. A., Dutra, D. L. C., Bagaa, M., Taleb, T., Flinck, H.: "Fast Service Migration in 5G Trends and Scenarios" in IEEE Network, 34(2), 92-98. DOI: 10.1109/MNET.001.1800289

  • Bagaa, M., Dutra, D. L. C., Taleb, T., Samdanis, K.: "On SDN-driven Network Optimization and QoS aware Routing using Multiple Paths" in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2020.2986408


  • Addad, R. A., Bagaa, M., Taleb, T., Dutra, D. L. C., Flinck, H.: "Optimization model for cross-domain network slices in 5G networks". IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, v. 19, n. 5, p. 1156-1169, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2019.2905599

  • Adda, R. A., Dutra, D. L. C., Dutra, D. L. C., Bagaa, M., Taleb, T., Flinck, H.: "Towards studying Service Function Chain Migration Patterns in 5G Networks and beyond". In 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM38437.2019.9013983

  • Silva, Rafael Mendes da ; Barbosa, V. C. ; Bentes, C.B ; Amorim, C. L. ; Kaelin, B. . Stochastic Velocity Model Building (SVMB). 2019. Patente: Programa de Computador. Número do registro: BR512019002959-3, data de registro: 11/12/2019, título: "Stochastic Velocity Model Building (SVMB)" , INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial, 2-19.

  • Amorim, C.L. Dutra, R.C. Branco, L.M.C. ,"Método para Formação de Comunidades Virtuais Espontâneas baseadas em Interesses Comuns utilizando Equipamentos de Comunicação sem Fio ",Carta Patente No PI 0603938-3,Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial,2019


  • Santos, L. S. , Messner, V. C., Dutra, D. L. C., Amorim, C. L.; "Redes Oportunísticas de Comunicação Segura para Monitoramento de Riscos de Sinistros", WRAC+2018, 2018.

  • Lima, L., Cabral Filho, P., Dutra, D. L. C., Amorim, C. L., Macedo, E. L. C., Silva, R. S., Coutinho, M. A., Moraes, L. F. M.; "RadNet-S: Um Mecanismo para Transmissão Segura e Secreta de Registros Syslog". WGRC - 2018.

  • Addad, R. A. , Taleb, T. , Bagaa, Dutra, D. L. C., Flinck, H.; "Towards Modeling Cross-Domain Network Slices for 5G", in IEEE Globecom’18, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

  • Addad, R. A., Dutra, D. L. C., Bagaa , M., Taleb, T., Flinck, H.; "MIRA!: A SDN-based Framework for Cross-Domain Fast Migration of Ultra-Low Latency 5G Services" in IEEE Globecom’18, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.

  • Addad, R. A., Dutra, D. L. C., Bagaa , M., Taleb, T.,Flinck, H.; "Towards A Fast Service Migration in 5G", in IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking, (IEEE CSCN 2018), 29-31 October 2018, Paris, France.

  • Khettab, Y., Bagaa, M., Dutra, D. L. C., Taleb, T., Toumi, N.; "Virtual Security as a Service for 5G Verticals" in Proc. IEEE WCNC 2018, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2018.

  • Addad, R. A., Dutra, D. L. C., Bagaa, M., Taleb, T., Flinck, H., Namane, M.: "Benchmarking the ONOS Intent interfaces to ease 5G service management". In: 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). IEEE, 2018. p. 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2018.8648078

  • Xavier, T. C. de S., Amorim, C. L., Delicato, F. C.: "Seleção de Nó Raiz Ótimo para Sincronização Eficiente de Relógios em Redes de Sensores Sem Fio" in Anais do X Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Ubíqua e Pervasiva, SBCUP, SBC, 2018.

  • Amorim, C.L. Kostin, S. , "Método de Ajuste de Potência de Equipamentos de Transmissão sem Fio segundo o Perfil de Obstáculos e Ocupação do Terreno" ,CARTA PATENTE Nº PI 0400115-0, INSTITUTO NACIONAL DA PROPRIEDADE INDUSTRIAL,2018



GONÇALVES, F. B., França, F. M. G., Amorim, C. L.; "Interest-centric vehicular ad hoc network", 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)

Goncalves, F.B. Franca, F.M.G. Amorim, C.L, Rede Ad Hoc Veicular Centrada em Interesses,Anais do WORKSHOP DE REDES P2P, DINÂMICAS, SOCIAIS E ORIENTADAS A CONTEÚDO, SBC, 2016


Dutra, D. L. C., MORAES, H. F., Amorim, C. L.; "RadFlow: An Interest-Centric Task Based Dataflow Runtime", in Workshop on Parallel Programming Models (MPP), SBAC-PADW, 2015.

MONNERAT, L., Amorim, C. L.; "An effective single-hop distributed hash table with high lookup performance and low traffic overhead" in Concurr. Comput.: Pract. Exper. 27, 7 (May 2015), 1767-1788. 2015.

Correa, E.C. Dutra, D.L.C. Amorim, C.L ,Relógio Virtual Estritamente Crescente para o Computador Raspberry PI ,XVI Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho, Outubro, pg 1-8, 2015

Moraes, H.F. Amorim, C.L. ,Aplicações P2P em Redes móveis centradas em Interesses, Workshop de Redes P2P, Dinâmicas, Sociais e Orientadas a Conteúdo, XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, Vitória/ES, 18-22 maio 2015



Dutra, D. L. C, WHATELY, L. L. A., Amorim, C. L; "Attaining Strictly Increasing and Precise Time Count in Energy-Efficient Computer Systems " in 2013 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SPAC-PAD), 2013.


DUTRA, R. C., MORAES, H. F., Amorim, C. L.; "Interest-Centric Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" in 2012 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2012.

Amorim, C. L., DUTRA, R. C., BRANCO, L.M.C.; "Method for building spontaneous virtual communities based on common interests using wireless equipment" in US Patent US8219135B2, 2012.

MORAES, H. F., BENITEZ, N. R. P., DUTRA, R. C., Amorim, C. L.; "On developing interest-centric applications for ad hoc networks" in 2012 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2012.

MORAES, H. F., DUTRA, R. C., Amorim, C. L; "REPi : Um Protocolo Peer-to-Peer para Aplicações Orientadas a Interesses na Internet" in XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, Ouro Preto. MG. VIII Workshop de Redes Dinâmicas e Sistemas P2P. Porto Alegre/RS : SBC, p. 1-14, 2012.


DUTRA, R. C., GRANJA, R. S., MORAES, H. F., Amorim, C. L.; "REPI: Rede de comunicação Endereçada Por Interesses" in WP2P - 6th Workshop on Dynamics Networks and Peer-to-Peer Systems, XXVIII SBRC, Gramado, RS, SBC, pp. 99-112, Maio 2010.

GRANJA, R. S., DUTRA, R. C., MORAES, H. F., Amorim, C. L.; "SAMCRA: Um sistema para avaliação experimental de Redes Ad Hoc" in Salão de Ferramentas, XXVIII SBRC, Gramado, RS, SBC, pp. 989-996, Maio 2010.


ALVES, J. M. O., PINHO, L. B., Amorim, C. L.; "GloVE-Mix Integrando peer-to-peer e distribuição via proxy em serviços de Vídeo sob Demanda" in WP2P - 6th Workshop on Dynamics Networks and Peer-to-Peer Systems, 2009.

MONNERAT, L., Amorim, C. L.; "Peer-to-Peer Single Hop Distributed Hash Tables" in GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2009.

ISHIKAWA, E., Amorim, C. L.; "Collapsed distributed cooperative memory for interactive and scalable media-on-demand systems" in US Patent 7596664, 2009.

KOSTIN, S., SALLES, R. M., Amorim, C. L.; "An approach for wireless sensor networks topology control in indoor scenarios" in Proceedings of the 5th International Latin American Networking Conference, 1-10, 2009.

PINHO, L. B., Amorim, C. LL.; "On using grid of collocated APs to improve performance of wireless VoD systems" in Proceedings of the 5th International Latin American Networking Conference, 18-31, 2009.


LOBOSCO, M., LOQUES, O., AMORIM, C. L.; "On the effectiveness of runtime techniques to reduce memory sharing overheads in distributed Java implementations" in Concurr. Comput. : Pract. Exper. 20, 13 (September 2008), 1509-1538, 2018.

KOSTIN, S., PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "Transmission power levels prediction for distributed topology control protocols within parameterized scenarios" in ICT 2008. International Conference on Telecommunications, 2008.

PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "Building Scalable Wireless VoD Systems Through Efficient Management of Collocated Access Points" in Journal of Network and Systems Management 16 (2), 183-200, 2008.

SOUZA, A. F., SOUZA, S. F., AMORIM, C. L.; "Hardware Supported Synchronization Primitives for Clusters" in PDPTA 8, 520-526, 2008.

KOSTIN, S., PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "Método para estimação de grau de conectividade física de entrada e saída para redes de sensores sem fio em cenários com obstáculos" in Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional - Sobrapo(SBPO), 2008.


AMORIM, C. L., SOUZA, A. F.; "Distributed global clock for clusters of computers", in US Patent 7240230, 2007.

KOSTIN, S., AMORIM, C. L.; "Controle de Potência de Transmissão para Redes de Sensores em Cenários com Obstáculos" in Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, 337-350, 2007.


PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "Impact of the clients' position on performance of VoD systems based on collocated APs" in Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the web, 253-262, 2006.

MENDES, R., WHATELY, L. L. A., DE CASTRO, M. S., BENTES, C., AMORIM, C. L.; "Runtime system support for running applications with dynamic and asynchronous task parallelism in software dsm systems" in Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, 2006. SBAC-PAD'06, 2006.

MONNERAT, L., AMORIM, C. L.; "D1HT: a distributed one hop hash table" in Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006 - IPDPS, 2006.

PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "Efficient support to scalable delivery of VoD systems using collocated access points" in International Conference on Networking, International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies (ICNICONSMCL'06), 2006.

PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "Assessing the efficiency of stream reuse techniques in P2P video-on-demand systems" in Journal of Network and Computer Applications 29 (1), 25-45, 2006.

COUTINHO, EVSUKOFF, A., A. F., Werner, C. M. L., AMORIM, C. L., Travassos, G. H., ALVES, J. L. D., LANDAU, L., MATTOSO, M. L. Q., & EBECKEN, N. F. F.; "An Integrated Computational Environment for Modeling, Simulation and Visualization of Sedimentary Basins and Petroleum Systems" in XXIX CNMAC, 517-518, 2006.

PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "Otimizando o Consumo de Energia de Dispositivos Móveis em Sistemas de VoD Baseados em Pontos de Acesso Co-localizados" in Proceedings of the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC), 2006.

PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "Assessing the efficiency of stream reuse techniques in P2P video-on-demand systems" in Journal of network and computer applications 29 (1), 25-45, 2006.


MENDES, R., WHATELY, L. L. A., BENTES, C., AMORIM, C. L.; "Implementação e avaliação preliminar de um novo sistema software DSM para cluster de computadores" in Workshop em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho - WSCAD, 2005.

LOBOSCO, M., LOQUES, O. AMORIM, C. L.; "Reducing memory sharing overheads in distributed JVMs" in International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2005.

PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "Investigating the Performance of Video-on-Demand Systems Over WLANs Using Generic Association Control" in Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium - LANOMS, 187-198, 2005.

ISHIKAWA, E., AMORIM, C. L.; "Memória cooperativa distribuída colapsada para sistemas de mídia-sob-demanda interativa e escalável" in Patente Brasil, 2005.


PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.; "A practical performance analysis of stream reuse techniques in peer-to-peer VoD systems" in European Conference on Parallel Processing - Euro-Par, 784-791, 2004.


ISHIKAWA, E., AMORIM, C. L.; "Collapsed Cooperative Video Cache for Content Distribution Networks" in Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, SBRC, Natal/RN, v. 1. p. 249-264, 2003.

LOBOSCO, M., SILVA, A. F., AMORIM, C. L.: “An Evaluation of cJava System Architecture”, in Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD, 2003, São Paulo-SP, Los Alamitos/CA : IEEE Computer Society Press, v. 1. p. 91-99, 2003. DOI: 10.1109/CAHPC.2003.1250325

SILVA, R. M., WHATELY, L. L. A., LOBOSCO, M., AMORIM, C. L.: “Memória Compartilhada Distribuída para Redes UDP/IP: Implementação e Avaliação”, Anais do Workshop em Computação de Alto Desempenho, WSCAD, São Paulo-SP p. 9-16, 2003.

DIAS, S., SILVA, A. F. , TREVISAN, T. S. , MEIRA JR., W., AMORIM, C. L.: "eCache: uma Cache Cooperativa para Servidores de Comércio Eletrônico”, Anais doWorkshop em Computação de Alto Desempenho, WSCAD, São Paulo-SP , v. 1, p. 33-40, 2003

PINTO, R., BIANCHINI, R., AMORIM, C. L.: "Comparing latency-tolerance techniques for software DSM systems." IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2003) 1180-1190. DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2003.1247677

LOBOSCO, M., LOQUES, O., AMORIM, C. L.: "A new distributed JVM for cluster computing", in European Conference on Parallel Processing. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003. p. 1207-1215. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-45209-6_162

PEREIRA, M. R., ; AMORIM, C. L., DE CASTRO, M. C. .S.: "Tutorial sobre redes de sensores". Cadernos do IME-Série Informática, v. 14, p. 39-53, 2003.

PINHO, L. B., ISHIKAWA, E, AMORIM, C. L.: "GloVE: A distributed environment for scalable video-on-demand systems" in The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, v. 17, n. 2, p. 147-161, 2003. DOI: 10.1177/1094342003017002005


QUARANTA, F., DE CASTRO, M. C. .S., J. L. D. Alves, AMORIM, C. L.: "Finite element simulation of seismic elastic two dimensional wave propagation: development and assessment of performance in a cluster of PCS with software DSM" in International Conference on High Performance Computing for Computational Science. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002. p. 65-78. DOI: DOI: 10.1007/3-540-36569-9_5

PINESCHI, E. J., DE CASTRO, , M. C. .S., AMORIM, C. L.: "Design and evaluation of data access prediction strategies in SDSM systems" in: 14th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, 2002. Proceedings. IEEE, 2002. p. 151-158. DOI: 10.1109/CAHPC.2002.1180771

PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L., ISHIKAWA, E: "GloVE: A distributed environment for low cost scalable VoD systems" in 14th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, 2002. Proceedings. IEEE, 2002. p. 117-124. DOI: 10.1109/CAHPC.2002.1180767

TREVISAN, T. S., COSTA, V.S., WHATELY, L. L. A., AMORIM, C. L.: "Distributed shared memory in kernel mode" in: 14th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, 2002. Proceedings. IEEE, 2002. p. 159-166. DOI: 10.1109/CAHPC.2002.1180772

OSTHOFF, C., Bentes, C., Ariosto, D., Mattoso, M., AMORIM, C. L.: "Evaluating the DSMIO cache-coherence algorithm in cluster-based parallel ODBMS" in International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002. p. 286-297. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-46102-7_33

LOBOSCO, M., COSTA, V. S., AMORIM, C. L.: "Performance evaluation of fast Ethernet, Giganet and Myrinet on a cluster" in International Conference on Computational Science. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002. p. 296-305. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-46043-8_29

OSTHOFF, C., BENTES, C., ARIOSTO, D., MATTOSO, M., AMORIM, C. L.: "Avaliação de Sistemas de Coerência de Cache em Arquiteturas ODBMS Cliente-Servidor", 2002.

LOBOSCO, M., AMORIM, C. L., LOQUES, O.: "Java for high‐performance network‐based computing: a survey" in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1-31, 2002. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.614


LOBOSCO, M., FAUSTINO, A., COSTAS, V. S., AMORIM, C. L.: "TCP/IP versus VIA on Network of Workstation" in 13th Symposium on computer Architecture and High performance Computing. 2001. p. 140-147.

WHATELY, L. L. A., PINTO, R., RANGARAJAN, M., IFTODE, L., AMORIM, C. L.: "Adaptive Techniques for Home-based Software DSMs" in 13th Symposium on computer Architecture and High performance Computing. 2001. p. 140-147.

LOBOSCO, M., LOQUES, O., AMORIM, C. L.: "A Java Environment for High-Performance Computing" in 13th Symposium on computer Architecture and High performance Computing. 2001. p. 140-147.

PEREIRA, A., CANÇADO, T., ABRAHÃO, B. D., PEREIRA, R., Meira JR, W., AMORIM, C. L.: "Servidores Paralelos e Distribuidos de Comércio Eletrônico" in II Workshop em Sistemas de Computação de Alto Desempenho-WSCAD/SBC, 2001.

DE CASTRO, M. C. S., AMORIM, C. L.: "Efficient categorization of memory sharing patterns in software DSM systems. In: Proceedings 15th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. IPDPS 2001. IEEE, 2001. p. 9 pp. DOI: 10.1109/IPDPS.2001.925008

ISHIKAWA, E., AMORIM, C. L.: "Memória Cooperativa Distribuída para Sistemas de VoD peer-to-peer" in SBRC, 2001, Florianópolis. 19º Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, v. 1. p. 822-837, 2001

VELOSO, A., COUTINHO, B., PÔSSAS, B., MENEZES, G. MEIRA JR, W., CARVALHO, M., AMORIM, C. L.: "Mineração Assıncrona de Regras de Associação em Sistemas de Memoria Compartilhada-Distribuıda" in WSCAD, 2001, Pirenópolis/GO. Workshop em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho, 2001.

DE CASTRO, M. C. S., AMORIM, C. L.: "Efficient Categorization of Sharing Patterns in Software DSM Systems" in Proceedings of the 15th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium. IEEE Computer Society, 2001. p. 63.

PINHO, L. B., AMORIM, C. L.,: "On Improving Performance of VoD Systems Based on Collocated Access Points", 2001.

ISHIKAWA, E.,AMORIM, C. L.,: "Cooperative video caching for interactive and scalable VoD systems" in International Conference on Networking. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2001. p. 776-785. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-47734-9_77


OSTHOFF, C., MATTOSO, M., SEIDEL, C. B., BIANCHINI, R., AMORIM, C. L.: "Avaliação do Algoritmo de Coerência de Cache de Disco DSMIO" in SBBD (pp. 273-286) 2000.

OSTHOFF, C., BENTES, C., BIANCHINI, R., MATTOSO, M., AMORIM, C. L.: " Evaluating Cache Coherence in the DSMIO System. In: Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, Sao Pedro, Brazil. 2000. p. 290-296.


DOS SANTOS, R., BIANCHINI, R., AMORIM, C. L.: "A survey of messaging software issues and systems for Myrinet-based clusters" in Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, special issue on High-Performance Computing on Clusters, v. 2, n. 2, p. 133-146, 1999.

SEIDEL, C. B., BIANCHINI, R., AMORIM, C. L.: "Evaluating the impact of the programming model on the performance and complexity of software DSM systems" in Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Parallel Processing. IEEE, 1999. p. 228-236.

SEIDEL, C. B.; BIANCHINI, R., AMORIM, C. L.: "Exploiting lock-related primitives in distributed shared-memory systems" Available: citeseer. ist. psu. edu/408110. html, 1999.

AMORIM, C. L.: "Monitoração e Análise de Desempenho do Sistema NCP2", Concurso Trabalhos de Iniciação Cientifica-CTIC/SBC - 1999).

MALTAR, L., FRANÇA, F. M., ALVES, V. C., AMORIM, C. L.: "An FPGA-based fan beam image reconstruction module" in Seventh Annual IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (Cat. No. PR00375). IEEE, 1999. p. 312-313. DOI: 10.1109/FPGA.1999.803711

ISHIKAWA, E., PINESCHI, E. J., MEIRA JR, W., AMORIM, C. L.: "Depurando Desempenho de Aplicações Software DSM com Carnival. In: 11th Symposium on Computer Achitecture and High Performance Computing. 1999. p. 293-298.


Avaliação do potencial de técnicas adaptativas conjugadas para software DSMs

MCS de Castro, CL Amorim



Data prefetching for software DSMs

R Bianchini, R Pinto, CL Amorim

Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Supercomputing, 385-392



Implementation of RNS addition and RNS multiplication into FPGAs

L Maltar, FMG França, VC Alves, CL Amorim

fccm, 331



Reconfigurable hardware for tomographic processing

L Maltar, FMG Franca, VC Alves, CL Amorim

Integrated Circuit Design, 1998. Proceedings. XI Brazilian Symposium on, 19-24



High-Performance Networking for Software DSMs

RW dos Santos, R Bianchini, CL Amorim


1997 e Anteriores

The NCP2 Distributed Shared-Memory System-Project Status

CL Amorim, R Bianchini, M Hor-Meyll, M De Maria, R Pinto, R dos Santos, ...

Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Arquitetura de Computadores e Processamento …



The affinity entry consistency protocol

CB Seidel, R Bianchini, CL Amorim

Parallel Processing, 1997., Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference …



Understanding the performance of DSM applications

W Meira, TJ LeBlanc, N Hardavellas, C Amorim

International Workshop on Communication, Architecture, and Applications for …



Hiding communication latency and coherence overhead in software DSMs

R Bianchini, LI Kontothanassis, R Pinto, M De Maria, M Abud, CL Amorim

ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 30 (5), 198-209



Implementação e Avaliação de Entry Consistency

MCR Carneiro, R Bianchini, CL de Amorim

Anais do Simposio Brasileiro de Arquitetura de Computadores-PAD



Page fault behavior and prefetching in software DSMs

R Bianchini, R Pinto, CL Amorim

Technical Report



A segunda geração de computadores de alto desempenho da COPPE/UFRJ

CL Amorim, R Bianchini, G Silva, R Pinto, M Hor-Meyll, M De Maria, ...

Simpósio Brasileiro de Arquitetura de Computadores e Processamento de Alto …



O Software do Computador Paralelo NCP2 da COPPE/UFRJ

L Whately, R Pinto, G Silva, M Hor-Meyll, M De Maria, J Barros Jr, ...

Relatorio Tecnico ES-395/96, COPPE Sistemas, Universidade Federal do Rio de …



Avaliando Técnicas de Prefetching para Software DSMs

RG PINTO, R Bianchini, CL de Amorim




An explicitly declared delayed-branch mechanism for a superscalar architecture

R Collins, G Steven

Microprocessing and microprogramming 40 (10-12), 677-680



Conditional execution: An approach for eliminating the basic block barriers

EST Fernandes, AD Santos, CL de Amorim

Microprocessing and microprogramming 40 (10-12), 689-692



O sistema de computa cão paralela NCP I

CL Amorim, R Citro, AF Souza, EM Chaves Filho

Anais do V Simp osio Brasileiro de Arquitetura de Computadores e …



Arquiteturas paralelas avançadas

EST Fernandes, CL De Amorin

Escuela Brasileño Argentinia de Informática. EBAI,



PARGOA: Um Servidor Paralelo para Sistemas de Banco de Dados Orientado a Objetos

MLQ Mattoso, JM de Souza, CL Amorim

Anais do 5o Simpósio Brasileiro de Arquitetura de Computadores-Processamento …



Um Compilador para a Linguagem Híbrida de Programação Paralela C_Actus

LE Favre, CL Amorim, MCR Carneiro, P Maciel

Xll Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação



The NCP I Parallel Computer System

CL Amorim, R Citro, AF Souza, EM Chaves Filho

Relatório Técnico



Simulacao de Modelos Paralelos de Programacao em Logica

RM da Costa, CL Amorim

Master's thesis, COPPE/Sistemas, UFRJ


MPH—A Hybrid Parallel Machine

EST Fernandes, CL de Amorim, VC Barbosa, FMG França, AF de Souza

Microprocessing and Microprogramming 25 (1-5), 229-232